The New “E” in Google’s E-E-A-T: Why Experience Matters for SEO Content

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Uncategorized

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In the constantly evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), Google’s updates often leave marketers scrambling to keep up. The recent addition of “Experience” to Google’s well-known E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) framework has created quite a buzz in the digital marketing world. This new “E” stands for something we all value—real, lived experience.

But what does this mean for your website content? How does “Experience” change the way Google evaluates your site, and why is it crucial for SEO? In this article, we’ll dive into the new “E” in E-E-A-T and break down how you can leverage it to improve your SEO rankings.

What Is Google’s E-E-A-T Framework?

The Basics of E-A-T

Before we get into “Experience,” let’s quickly recap the original E-A-T framework. Google introduced E-A-T as part of its search quality guidelines to help evaluate the credibility and reliability of content.

  • Expertise: Is the content created by someone with deep knowledge of the subject?
  • Authoritativeness: Does the site have authority in its field, supported by endorsements or backlinks?
  • Trustworthiness: Can users trust the information provided?

The Addition of Experience

In late 2022, Google expanded E-A-T to include an additional “E” for Experience. Now, the full framework is:

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

This change emphasizes the importance of firsthand experience in content creation, especially for certain topics like health, finance, and travel.

Why Did Google Add “Experience”?

Improving Search Results

Google is constantly trying to deliver the best, most reliable information to its users. By adding “Experience” into the mix, Google can better assess content based on whether it was created by someone who has actually lived through or experienced the topic they’re writing about. After all, wouldn’t you rather get travel advice from someone who’s actually been to that destination rather than someone who’s only read about it?

Reducing Misinformation

Experience is also a powerful weapon against misinformation. There’s a big difference between repeating information you’ve found online and sharing something you’ve lived through. Google’s focus on real-world experience helps ensure that the content you see in search results is more trustworthy and relevant.

How Does Experience Influence SEO?

Experience Adds Credibility

When a writer or content creator shares personal experience, it creates a sense of authenticity. Google’s algorithm is now more likely to prioritize content where the creator has direct knowledge or involvement in the subject. This extra layer of authenticity makes your content stand out and increases the chances of ranking higher.

Experience Boosts Engagement

Think about it: when you’re searching for information, you’re more likely to stick around and engage with content that feels personal and relatable. When users engage more with your content (by spending more time on your page, sharing it, or commenting), it sends positive signals to Google, improving your SEO ranking.

Practical Example: Travel Blogs

A travel blog from someone who has visited all the locations they write about will rank better than one that just compiles generic information. Google knows that someone with firsthand experience will provide more detailed, accurate, and valuable content.

How to Incorporate Experience into Your Content

Share Personal Stories

If you have relevant experience in the topic you’re covering, don’t be afraid to share it! Personal stories add a layer of relatability and trust that purely factual content can’t provide. Google will recognize the value of this personal input and reward you for it.

Real-Life Examples

Whether you’re writing about business strategies or health tips, real-life examples make your content more credible. Show your audience that you’ve been there, done that, and learned something valuable along the way.

Use Testimonials and Case Studies

Even if you’re not the expert, you can still showcase your experience by featuring testimonials or case studies from people who are. For example, if you’re running a business blog, include stories from clients who have benefited from your services. This provides real-world evidence to back up your claims.

Highlight Industry Experience

If you or your team members have years of experience in your field, make sure that’s visible on your site. Include author bios, certifications, and credentials that back up the claim that you’re not just knowledgeable—you’ve lived through what you’re talking about.

How Google Measures Experience

Google’s Search Quality Raters

Google uses human search quality raters to evaluate the content that shows up in search results. These raters are trained to assess the experience of the content creator alongside expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. So, if your content shows a deep level of lived experience, it has a better chance of being rated higher.

User Feedback and Signals

Google’s algorithm also looks at how users interact with your content. If people are spending more time on your page, sharing your articles, or leaving comments, it indicates that they find your content valuable. And guess what? That lived experience you shared probably had something to do with it.

Experience in Different Industries

Health and Wellness

In health and wellness, experience is everything. People want to hear from those who’ve been through similar health challenges. Google now gives preference to content that comes from individuals with personal experience in the subject, especially in sensitive topics like medical advice.


In the world of finance, lived experience matters because users are often looking for advice that’s been tried and tested. Google values content from experts who have experienced financial challenges and successes firsthand.


When it comes to travel content, personal experience is golden. People trust content from someone who has been to the destination they’re researching. It’s no longer enough to compile facts; Google wants to see that you’ve actually visited the places you’re recommending.

Best Practices for SEO Content in the E-E-A-T Era

Authenticity Is Key

One of the best ways to embrace the new “Experience” factor is to be authentic. Whether you’re writing a blog post or a product review, it’s important to be honest about your experiences. Don’t just rely on second-hand information, get involved and share your personal insights.

Update Your Content Regularly

Experience isn’t static—it grows and evolves. Make sure to update your content as your experience in a particular field grows. Google rewards content that’s fresh, accurate, and relevant.

Prioritize User Experience

Beyond your written content, Google also looks at the overall user experience on your site. Make sure your site is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and provides value to users. This indirectly ties into the “Experience” aspect because if users have a positive experience on your site, they’ll trust your content more.

The New “E” in Google’s E-E-A-T: Why Experience Matters for SEO Content

Conclusion: Why Experience Is the New Gold Standard for SEO

In the ever-changing world of SEO, experience has become the new gold standard. Google’s addition of “Experience” to the E-E-A-T framework is a game-changer for content creators and marketers. It’s no longer enough to have expertise and authority—Google wants to see that you’ve lived through the topics you’re writing about.

So, whether you’re running a blog, e-commerce site, or service-based business, it’s time to put your real-world experience front and center. Share your stories, include testimonials, and always be authentic. By doing so, you’ll not only engage your audience but also improve your SEO rankings, helping you stay ahead in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

Need help building a website that truly stands out and reflects your experience? At WebsiteMD, we specialize in website building, SEO, digital marketing, social media management, business automation, review management, AI integration, and more. Our team can create customized solutions to enhance your online presence and drive business growth. Contact us today to learn how we can help elevate your business with cutting-edge digital strategies!


What does the new “E” in Google’s E-E-A-T stand for?

The new “E” in E-E-A-T stands for “Experience.” It highlights the importance of firsthand experience when creating content, ensuring that creators share real-world insights and not just second-hand information.

Why is experience important for SEO content?

Experience adds credibility and authenticity to content, making it more engaging for users. Google prioritizes content that provides value from real-life experiences, which can improve SEO rankings.

How can I demonstrate experience in my content?

You can demonstrate experience by sharing personal stories, real-life examples, and case studies. Highlight your lived experiences and provide specific examples to back up your claims.

Is experience more important than expertise in Google’s algorithm?

Both experience and expertise are important, but experience has become a crucial differentiator, especially for content in industries like health, finance, and travel, where real-world knowledge is valued.

How does Google measure experience in content?

Google uses a combination of human search quality raters and algorithmic signals to assess experience. Factors like user engagement, testimonials, and the inclusion of firsthand examples all contribute to how Google measures experience.
