How to Perform Keyword Research for Blog Posts

by | Oct 6, 2022 | SEO

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The distinctions between web blogs and pages suggest different methods of search engine optimization for each. A page is designed to have a specific purpose and function, while blog posts can cover many topics. Blogs are more likely to be indexed by Google than pages because they have more content.

Keyword research for blog posts is typically more specific to the page and post topic. You need to include keywords that are relevant to the content, not just generic “keywords” that might be used for SEO purposes. Content for pages is typically more static. You can still include keywords within the text, but be careful not to overdo it. The content of a blog post should be more fluid and organic so that readers will feel like they have found something useful when they come across your post.

On the other hand, you may want to use keywords more liberally in the title, subheadings, and first paragraph of your blog post. These elements are typically what readers will see first when they come across your post, so it’s important to make sure that they know exactly what the content is about.

How to find Long-tail Keywords

Finding long-tail keywords can be difficult in the sense that they are almost impossible to find. Search terms that are used frequently but are not highly competitive are the holy grail of SEO since the most frequently searched-for terms have been sucked up. The best way to find long-tail keywords is to look at things that people are searching for but not getting the answer they want. This could be a question on Quora or Reddit, an unanswered question on a forum, or even just a general trend of questions that you see popping up in your niche.

A tool such as,

  • Moz Explorer can be extremely useful for finding long-tail keywords. When you input a keyword or query, it will crawl search engines to locate related words, many of which are long-tail.
  • SEMRush can also suggest long-tail keywords by using an entirely different method. SEMRush lets you enter a URL and then discover the terms it is currently ranking for. When you input high-quality, current content and analyze your results, you will be able to discover specific terms.
  • Google AdWords has been the benchmark for keyword research for a while but is now on the decline. Google is providing less and fewer data through AdWords which makes it harder to identify new keywords with the help of the tool.

Typing in phrases that you’ve found via semantic searches (more on that later) can allow you to determine whether any of them have a related volume of searches.

How to Optimize Your Website for Related Keywords (That Don’t Have the Search Volume)

Google, along with other major search engines, has shifted away from ranking just specific keywords but has instead considered ranking websites for the entirety of its topics.

If you wish to rank your site for a certain particular topic, it is important to include keywords that are semantically connected (have the same meaning or relate to similar subjects) to it to indicate the breadth and depth of your content.

There are many tools available to search semantically.

The three methods above (Moz, SEMRush, AdWords) are still all viable for this goal. Moz specifically displays semantically related terms even though they don’t have any search volume.

  • Answer the Public lets you type in a keyword and view the different questions asked by users with respect to that term. These types of questions usually don’t have search volumes, but they do have natural language that is a reflection of the people’s desires.
  • allows you to type in the word and view related terms in searches.

Beyond these tools, take a look at the actual content to see how people are talking about your particular topic.

The Wikipedia page on the subject you are researching is most likely an excellent gold mine. Every blue link is a term, while the tables of contents will provide you with the most basic information about the terms that you can use to conduct your study.

A table of content from books that cover your subject can be a good method to identify related terms you can connect to tools to get more suggestions.

Start by deciding on the topic for your blog.

It is often possible to find terms for head searches without a specific subject in mind. Sometimes, it is possible to locate long-tail keywords.

Pick a particular topic for your blog post prior to conducting a thorough keyword search.

It’s not likely but it’s possible that when you conduct the research of keywords, you come across an astonishing, heavily-searched, low-competition, long-tail keyword. 

You are more likely to stumble across these phrases if you begin with a particular topic and have something particular to say.

A topic you have that you are thinking about, perhaps with an outline, helps the user to focus their scope. It is possible to use these tools to your advantage and discover additional terms people aren’t aware of. Then, you can expand your scope to include the related subjects.

It’s beneficial to think of keywords prior to writing, but it’s better to have some ideas in mind prior to coming up with keywords. If not, you’ll see a lot of terms such as “phenotypic screening” or “what is phenotypic screening?” phrases that are hard to rank and that are aimed at a general audience.

Furthermore, the purpose of your post is not the keyword. It’s to offer an audience value.

If you need help ranking your website, don’t hesitate to contact us, and help you make your website number 1 on google.
