The Dynamic Redesign of Points for Health Website

by | Feb 21, 2024 | Web Design

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A well-designed website may be an effective tool for companies to communicate with their audience and spread their message in the always changing world of digital presence. The nonprofit organization Points for Health, which promotes health and wellness, realized they needed to update their web presence. This article describes the process of revamping the Points for Health website, emphasizing the use of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, the integration of their non-profit component, and the move from a Wix platform template to a unique website with animation.

Understanding the Need for Change

Before diving into the redesign process, it was crucial to understand the shortcomings of the existing website. The original website, built on a Wix platform template, lacked the uniqueness and functionality required to effectively represent Points for Health’s mission and engage with its audience. The design was generic, offering limited customization options, and the site’s performance was hindered by its template-based structure.

Transitioning to a Custom Website with Animation

To address these issues, the decision was made to transition from the Wix platform to a custom website. This shift allowed for greater control over the design and functionality of the site, enabling the incorporation of custom animations to enhance user engagement. By leveraging the expertise of web developers and designers, Points for Health was able to create a visually appealing and dynamic website that reflected the vibrancy of their organization.

Integrating the Non-Profit Aspect

One of the key objectives of the redesign was to highlight Points for Health’s status as a non-profit organization. This involved the creation of dedicated sections on the website to showcase their charitable initiatives, donation opportunities, and impact stories. By integrating these elements seamlessly into the design, the website was able to effectively communicate the organization’s mission and encourage support from visitors.

Making it Search Friendly

In addition to the visual and functional enhancements, the redesign also focused on improving the website’s search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities. This involved optimizing the site’s structure, content, and metadata to make it more discoverable by search engines. By incorporating relevant keywords, implementing clean URL structures, and improving page load times, Points for Health was able to enhance their visibility in search engine results, driving more organic traffic to their website.


The redesign of the Points for Health website showcases the transformative power of a well-crafted online presence. If you’re inspired by this story and looking to enhance your own website, consider partnering with WebsiteMD. We specialize in building custom websites, optimizing for SEO, managing digital marketing strategies, handling social media, automating business processes, managing reviews, integrating AI solutions, and much more. Let us help you elevate your online presence and achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more!

